Sunday, March 12, 2006


You get two for the price of one today, both from Xavier:

This morning, Adam was getting the kids dressed while I was getting ready for church. I came to take over with Miranda in helping get her dress on while Xavier, apparently fully dressed, was musing over a Thomas the Tank Engine catalog at the end of the bed.

"Xavier, do you have your shoes on?" I asked as I buttoned up Miranda's dress.

"No," he replied absent-mindedly without looking up.

"Do you have your socks on?"

"No," he replied, again without looking up. "But I have my feet on."

Second story:

Today at Sunday School, one of the other kids in the class asked Xavier about the skin tags in front of his ears. "What are those bumps on your ears?" the boy asked.

"Goosebumps," Xavier replied.

1 comment:

Jilian said...

Cute - looking forward to the stories!!