Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorable Weekend

Actually, not really. I was supposed to ride with my friends in the Wilderness Ride on Saturday, procrastinated about signing up, signed up at 12:30 on Friday, and discovered a mere three hours later that Miranda was sick with a fever (no other symptoms). On Memorial Day weekend. When the doctor's office is closed from Saturday afternoon through Tuesday.

Oh well, I thought, she'll be better in the morning. She wasn't; instead, her fever was higher. In the off-chance it might be strep, I managed to get a doctor's appointment for her on Saturday morning, and I learned a valuable lesson: sometimes it is NOT a good idea to make your kid use the restroom before you leave the house. When the strep test came back negative, the doctor decided that we could not leave without testing a urine sample for a bladder infection. An hour and a half later, she succeeded (no infection, of course) and we went home. She had a fever through this morning, but seems to be fine now.

But, who knows? Maybe she saved my life by being sick -- not having ridden on a bike in a year, I was a little apprehensive about my ability to do the Wilderness Ride anyway. I did take the bike out today to make sure when I go for a lunchtime ride with Joel this week I won't die, and it looks like I should survive.

Xavier did not get sick (knock on wood), but every symptom Miranda has exhibited, he has shown as well. Heck, if Miranda falls down the stairs, he will pretend to fall down the stairs, too. No sibling rivalry going on there.

To try to reassure Xav that he was still loved, I started playing a game with him where I would pretend there was something on his face, and then I would say, "Oh -- I see! It's just kisses!" And I would shower him with kisses. He thought this was funny for awhile, but when I leaned over him today with a concerned look on my face and said, "Xavier, what is that on your forehead?" he shouted, "It's not kisses! It's just a goosebump, OK?"

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