Tuesday, May 09, 2006


A friend of mine is starting a Kempo Karate school. He gave me some free passes and my husband got very excited about it, so I took the kids to attend a Peewee class last night.

My friend is a very devout Christian, and he started the first class with a prayer. Then he got down to business. He taught the kids a number of exercises, and Miranda was quite keen. Then he taught them to do a jab and a kick at the end of class. Miranda followed his directions timidly, but fairly accurately. Her only complaint after the class was, "I thought we would learn to do something tougher."

Xavier was really too young, and I was more concerned that he would hurt the instructor than that he would himself get injured (little things, like sitting on the instructor's head when he kneeled on the floor, ramming into the instructor with his head) but the instructor was very good-natured and patient.

When my husband came home from work, he asked Miranda, "So, what did you learn in Karate class?"

Miranda said, without hesitation, "I learned the Karate prayer."

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