Friday, April 14, 2006

Painting Done

This has been a hectic week, what with the painters being here. Who would have thought that having two rooms and a hall painted could be so disruptive? Of course, the hall was the main entryway and the stairs.

Xavier took it upon himself to supervise the painters, and I think they can only be described as "Good Sports." Common refrains heard around the house were, "Mr. Painter, what are you doing?" "Mr. Painter, where is the other Mr. Painter?" "Mr. Painter, this is my Thomas catalog -- we can look at it later." "Mr. Painter, you are in my way!"

Yesterday morning I called the house and asked to speak to the kids. The following dialog illustrates how things have been at our house of late:

Xavier (sadly): "Hi, Mommy. Are you coming home?"

Me: I wish I could, sweetie, but I have to work.

Xavier: Why?

Me: Because I have to work.

Xavier: Why?

Me: I have to --

(muffled sounds in the background; strange voices that have to be the painters; sound of phone being put down or possibly passed off to Adam)

Xavier (distantly): Okay, Bye! (even more distantly) Hi, Mr. Painters! What are we doing today?

He is going to miss them so much.

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