Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday School Facts

Xavier's Sunday School teacher approached me today. "Wow," he said, "Xavier is just bursting with facts."

"Really," I replied. "Any of them accurate?"

He gave a careless shrug. "Most of them. He raises his hand, but he ends up blurting stuff out anyway because he is just so excited. Which is great, because it means he is interested!"

Poor guy. He has been teaching the third and fourth graders for years and I have never seen him quite like this about a student. Sure, he liked Gwen and commented on how she liked to read, but he also found her shy and hard to bring out. I guess he deserves an enthusiastic student after all this time.

He continued, "And Xavier always asks to be the one to read -- that's really unusual for a third grader, especially a boy."

"Well, Xavier is a pretty good reader for his age. And he wants to be an actor."

"I can tell! Just from the way he reads!"

OK, I am a Christian, but a third grader reading the Bible enthusiatically? I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that classroom.

Instead, I simply asked him, "So, have you covered the lesson on the High Priests yet?"

"No, why?"

I think he'll figure it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous Dadious said...

Wow, that's great!

I think Xav ought to do voices when he gets to any part with Dialogue. I always wondered what a Pharisee might sound like.