Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One week and counting

School starts in one week for our intrepid kindergartener and future scientist. There is so much to do ... getting the blue sheet back to school, finding out what her school supplies are, buying said school supplies, finding out what time the bus comes, finding out where the bus comes ... the list goes on. And what is Miranda thinking about?

"Where is my dinosaur alarm clock?" she cries, fusses, moans, has conniptions over every day. Thirty minutes after she is put to bed, she is hyperventilating because that darned alarm clock we ordered online has not arrived yet. "How will I go to school if my alarm clock doesn't get here in time?"

Adam will respond, "Well, honey, I'll wake you up!"

Miranda will groan, "But that's not good enough! I need my clock!"

Well, I did a little research online this evening (in my email box) and discovered that my spam filter had sent notice of cancellation of that order -- item no longer available -- straight to the deleted folder. Groan. Well, it looks like I have one more item on that back-to-school list.

We went to see my parents this weekend, and it ended up being a weekend of a lot of firsts. My first trip with the kids but without the husband. My first (lengthy) trip in a kayak (not counting paddling around in the creek behind my dad's house.) My first thumb blister. My first ride in an ambulance (Xavier's, too!)

Xavier had a really bad attack of croup on Saturday night that we were unable to control, so we called the rescue squad and went to the hospital. He seems to be doing better now, but it sounds like something he may have periodically until he outgrows it. Our pediatrician recommended we put him on Claritan when the steroids the emergency room gave us runs out (this is the first night since the attack that Xav is eligible to win the Tour du France, so wish us luck!) Xavier, in the meantime, could not wait to tell Daddy and Miss Amanda (his teacher at school) about how brave he was in the ambulance.

One more first -- on the way home from the hospital, Xavier saw his first shooting star. I hope that is a good sign!

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