Thursday, August 03, 2006


Xavier and Miranda were eating breakfast the other day, and out of the blue Xavier asked my husband, "Dad, why do you have a hole in your cheek?"

My husband had no idea what my son was talking about. "What, do you mean my mouth?"

"No, the hole in your cheek."

My husband started feeling his cheeks. "Am I bleeding?"

"No, I just want to know about the hole in your cheek."

"What hole, honey?"

"Dad," Miranda said with mild irritation, "He's asking about your mole."

Miranda has not completely outgrown her little mispronunciations, either. A coworker and I decided the other day that all children pronounce "animal" as "aminal" (I even tried testing Miranda on this today, and unless she said it very slowly, it always came out "aminal.") Another favorite word of hers is "mazagine" (for magazine.) Since she was home sick today, we were checking out some movie trailers in case there was something good to see this weekend, and she was especially interested in "Ant Bully", which she kept pronouncing "annolly." This was especially confusing because Aunt Ann (and Uncle Matt, Cousins Riley and Piper) are coming to visit this weekend, and half the time I thought she was asking me a question about her Aunt.

Maybe we can persuade her that we want to see "Cars" instead.

1 comment:

r.m said...

Haley also says aminal despite the constant efforts that her big sisters undertake to correct her mispronunciation. In her mind she is saying animal and will defend herself vociferously that she did indeed say animal.