Wednesday, August 09, 2006


We had Miranda and Xavier's cousins here this weekend. Riley is the same age as Xavier, and Piper is just a baby -- very cute, and very vocal. So vocal, in fact, that even though Xavier was excited to have them come, he pulled me aside and asked, "Mommy, are they going home tomorrow? Piper is really noisy."

One morning, while the kids were playing with play dough, Miranda looked over at the rocket ship that Riley was making and remarked, "Riley, you really like space, don't you?" Riley replied "Yes, I really like space." Miranda said, "I really like dinosaurs."

"And I really like coconuts!" Xavier chimed in, once again proving that he has not picked up the recessive family science gene.

In another exchange, Xavier came in while Riley's dad was helping him use the restroom. Now, Xavier is Korean, while Riley is blond-haired and blue-eyed (evidently another family gene thing.) Xavier has never commented on any difference between their appearances ... until now: "Mine doesn't look like that."

Still, when the end of the weekend was over, Xavier -- who had been a little on the "threatened" side all weekend (clinging to Mommy, pretending to be a baby, not liking having other little people in his domain, although he played relatively well with Riley) -- evidently felt like he had not received enough attention. When Miranda made her Monday morning phone call to Mommy and Xavier got his turn, I said, "Hi, Xavier, how are you doing?"

"I have a problem," he sighed.

"What's your problem, babe?"

Xavier sighed again. "I'm sick."

In the background I heard Adam exclaim, and when it was his turn to talk on the phone, the first thing he said was, "Xavier is not sick. He is fine, he doesn't have a fever -- he just does not want to go to school today."

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