Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Adam spent an evening with the kids last night while I went to karate class. Our usual Instructor is abroad (not "a broad" but overseas) right now; the visiting Instructor is also very good, and we have all been having a good time with her. But I digress ...

Although I enrich the kids' lives by reading them Calvin and Hobbes at bedtime (a practice I may need to discontinue because it is making Gwen anxious), Adam decided to try National Geographic for a change. He kind of skims over it, making it fun for the kids by giving people (and animals) funny voices, but they are both pretty intrigued by some of the science facts as well.

Anyway, last night Adam asked the kids if they knew the difference between archeologists and paleontologists. This is kind of funny, because Xavier has a dinosaur shirt that reads "Young Archeologist" on the back, which makes me cringe every time I see it.

Gwen responded, "Of course I know the difference, Daddy!"

Impressed, Adam said, "Really? What is the difference, then?"

Gwen replied patiently, "'Archeology' begins with 'Ark,' and 'Paleontology' begins with 'Pale.'"

Xavier was especially fascinated by an article they "read" which talked about rock formations in Guatemala. As he was brushing his teeth, he asked Adam, "Daddy, when we grow up, can we go to guacamole and see some rocks?"


Anonymous said...

You can't pass the spelling stuff past Gwen! See you Thursday!

r.m said...

You might want to get National Geographic for Kids for them - my daughters love it and fight over it when it comes each month (then again, they'll fight over pretty much anything...).

Mandy said...

They actually get National Geographic for Kids -- we just started getting it. And, like your daughters, they fight over it. Of course, to put things in perspective, they'll also fight over LL Bean catalogs.

Joel said...

That is awesome. We might have to subscribe to that.