Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Cookie Anatomy 101

Yesterday, we made cookies that we brought in for Miranda's class today. The problem with making 100% Whole Wheat cookies that you can cut with a cookie cutter is that they end up with the consistency of pie crust and they don't taste a whole lot better. On the bright side, everything is better with frosting.

Anyway, I promised the kids they could have a cookie when they came out of the oven. Some of the more complex cookie shapes -- the dinosaurs, in particular -- had a pretty high mortality rate when I was scraping them off the pan, so I decided the kids could eat the broken cookies. Hey, they taste just as good, right? Or, in this case, just as bad. Did I mention there was frosting? I also had allowed the kids to decorate the cookies with chocolate chips before we put them in the oven, so there was also that mitigating factor.

When Adam got home, the kids were preparing to eat their broken cookies. When Xavier saw Adam, he pointed to the chocolate-chip-laden dinosaur on his plate and said, "Look, Daddy, it's a dinosaur!" Pointing to one of the chocolate chips, he added, "And right here is his eye!"

"I see," Adam replied. Pointing to the other cluster of chocolate chips on the dinosaur, he asked, "And what are these."

Without hesitation, Xavier replied, "Those are his testicles!"

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