Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ying and Yang

Well, you guys remember how much fun Xavier had "Working with Mom"?

Today, Adam had to take Xavier to the doctor because he still had a fever, he was still cranky, and he allowed that his ear hurt (until he realized this was going to net him a trip to the doctor, then suddenly he felt "fine," fever not withstanding.)

When Adam called to give me the update, Miranda asked to talk to me. "Mom, I can't wait to get to school and see Sam today!" she gushed.

"Um, I don't think you are going to school today, Miranda. Xavier is sick."

"Of course I am. Bye!"

I started talking to Adam about Xavier's status, and in the background I could hear the kids going back and forth on the topic of school. Since Adam was holding Xavier, his input was very loud.

Miranda: "I can't wait to go to school today and see Sam!"


Miranda: "Yes, we are!"

Xavier: "NO, WE"RE NOT!"

Miranda: "Yes, we are!"

Adam: (to me) "Hold on." (to the kids) "Miranda, you aren't going to school today."

Miranda: (anguished) "Why not?"

Adam: "Because Xavier has a fever, and Mom is coming home to take care of you. Besides, you'll get to go to work with Mom."

Miranda: "AAAAAAAAAAAA! I don't want to work with Mom -- I want to go to school and see Sam!"

We decided to let Miranda go to school instead of forcing her to come work with me, which is probably just as well, because sick kid equals short day. I told her I would pick her up on my way home from lunch, which she found acceptable.

Of course, Sam wasn't at school today.

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