Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Buzz About the Green Hornet

When Uncle Matt was here, he downloaded the Green Hornet theme onto Adam's iPod. Now, if you aren't familiar with the Green Hornet theme, it sounds kind of like Flight of the Bumblebee if it were played by a hyperactive trumpet player after a gallon of expresso.

Anyway, yesterday Adam and the kids were listening to the song, and Xavier said, "You know, this does not sound like a superhero theme."

"Oh, this is the music for the chase scenes," Adam replied.

Xavier started bopping to the music (he may not be a trumpet player, but he has hyperactive down pat), when the music suddenly slowed into something slightly more mellow.

Xavier made a face. "This doesn't sound like a chase scene -- this sounds like the Green Hornet is waiting on the side of the road for a mechanic to fix his tire."

Adam replied, "No, this is the love theme, you know, where the hero is romancing the lady."

Gwen chimed in, "Or maybe he is romancing the car mechanic."

(This post was proofread by Editor Xavier.)

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Hahaha :)