Monday, November 16, 2009

Xavier's Recipe for Thanksgiving Turkey

If you aren't sure how to cook your turkey this Thanksgiving, you might take a tip from Xav. Heck, if Xavier can cook a turkey, anyone can!

How to Cook a Turkey



I will get the turkey at Kroger. It will weigh 15 pounds. I will cook the turkey in the oven at 15 degrees and cook it for two hours. When it is brown it will be done.

Now we will make the gravy.

We take the turkey's juice and add onion.

Now add garlic.

Now pour the gravy on the turkey.

The turkey is ready.

We have a great Thanksgiving.

The End

Of course, it takes a very special oven to cook a turkey a la Freezer Burn. Or, as Adam put it, "Turkey Tartare."


Toronto home staging said...

Wonderful post. Made my mood much better. I think that I will show this tutorial to my husband. He always complain that it's difficult to prepare good turkey for Thanksgiving dinner and only I can do it and that's why he never helps me. Despite the fact that the Thanksgiving in Canada was few weeks ago, there is always opportunity to learn how to prepare turkey.

Have a nice day,

xavier said...

we think that too. that would be how to make a frozen turkey! says mom looking at the paper 15degrees! now thats what I call frozen turkey!