Saturday, June 27, 2009

More relationship confusion

I'm sorry if it sounds like I am picking on Chloe, but she is visiting and a new face adds new perspective. Also, if you have not read yesterday's blog, you need to read it first if this entry is to make sense.

That said ...

Since Chloe has been here, she has been dropping the honorific titles one normally uses when addressing Aunts and Uncles. For example, she'll say, "Mandy, can I have this?" instead of "Aunt Mandy, can I have this?" This doesn't bother me, but evidently it began to wear on Adam.

This evening, she remarked, "Adam, what are we having for dinner?"

"You can call me 'Uncle Adam,' you know," he said.

"Yeah," I chimed in. "He's your uncle, you know, not your brother."

(Yeah, no one else got it, either. Then again, they hadn't read yesterday's blog.)

More relationship confusion ... Chloe and Xavier were helping Adam shuck corn on the back porch. Chloe remarked, "The last time I did this was at my Grammy's house in Reedville."

"I think I remember that," Adam remarked, remembering other times when the kids have helped my mother shuck corn when we were visiting.

"Yeah," Chloe said thoughtfully. Then she added, "She's not my real grandmother -- we just call her that."

"She is your real grandmother." Adam insisted.

"Really?" Chloe said, amazed. "I didn't know that."

We went to a roller rink today for a birthday party that Xav was invited to, but the birthday girl's mother welcomed Gwen and Chloe as well. This roller rink is one of those that play loud music and occasionally use disco-style lighting. None of the kids I was accompanying are in danger of being asked to join the US Olympic skating team, but they tried their best. Chloe was more engaged in the music and the mood than the other kids, and even tried to do some "roller-boogie," but was limited somewhat (or quite a bit) by her skating skills.

Evidently I failed to grasp just how into the mood she was. As soon as I removed her second skate as we were preparing to leave, she ran out into onto the skating floor and started rocking. This, needless to say, scared me out of a year's growth, because skaters were whipping past her at great speed, but I guess I didn't really need another year's worth of growth anyway.

On and on and on ... keep on rocking, baby, till the night is done ...

One more Chloe story ... this morning, I was tidying up before one of Adam's friends came over. I called Chloe, who was upstairs, and said, "Chloe, could you please come down and put your sandels and your bag away?"

"I can't right now," she called back. "I'm too busy playing."

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