Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween and Other Traditions

Tonight, as a special treat, I drove the kids around town before bedtime to look at Halloween lights. I was a little disappointed -- there weren't quite as many up as I had hoped -- but we did see a few truly spectacular displays (most of them, as we discovered on our way back home, were on our street.)

Still, the kids were enthusiastic, and I think maybe they got a little too excited. When we pulled into our garage and got out of the car, Gwen asked in a quavering voice, "Who turned on the light?"

"The light comes on automatically when the garage door goes up," I replied. "Why? Who did you think turned it on?"

She murmured softly, "I thought it might have been a ghost!"

Still, her response was topped by Xavier. When we walked into the house, Adam called, "Did you have fun? Did you see anything scary?"

"Oh, yeah!" Xavier replied in hushed, but emphatic, tones. "We saw FIVE McCain-Palin signs!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, that is AWESOME!