Sunday, March 04, 2007

Bond, James Bond

Adam and Xavier were listening to some music today, and a tune from the James Bond 007 movies came on.

"Daddy, what's this?" Xavier asked.

"This is called 'In Her Majesty's Service,'" Adam replied. "It comes from one of the James Bond movies."

"You mean, James the Splendid Red Engine?" Xavier asked, citing his beloved Thomas the Tank Engine series again.

"No, sweetie. James Bond is a spy."

"You mean like when we play Superspies?" Xavier asked. This is a game where the kids sneak up on us, then pretend to be statues when we look in their direction. Gwen came up with this spin, and it never seems to occur to them that most people worth spying on would notice the sudden appearance of a realistic statue in the middle of their kitchen.

Adam replied, "Yes, kind of like when you play Superspies."

Xavier pondered this for a moment, then asked, "So, James was a spy before he became a Splendid Red Engine?"

Bond ... Splendid Red Engine Bond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.