Wednesday, November 01, 2006


In the middle of the night last night, our door opened and Gwen came in, nearly in tears. "Mommy, Daddy," she whimpered. "The cat threw up on my bed and it got on my dinosaur!"

Adam leapt out of bed and headed for her room. I followed, but even in my sleep-befuddled state, I thought, "How on earth could the cat have thrown up on her bed?" We keep her door closed at night to keep the cats from trying to sleep with her -- not that I really think they are tempted.

When I reached the room, Adam said, "Wow, she's right! The cat did puke on the bed! And there's a whole lot of it! What a mess!"

"Adam," I responded, "I don't think it was the cat. I think it was Gwen." Now, Gwen has a history of throwing up on the drop of a hat. If she coughs and the stars are in alignment, up it comes. This is not even the first time she has thrown up in her sleep without waking up.

Adam pulled the sheets off the bed and took them into the bathroom where he could examine them with the light on without waking Gwen up further by turning on her light. He came back as I was helping Gwen change her pajamas, and said, "You're right -- definitely not the cat."

Just then the commotion woke Xav up and he started coughing, so I went to check on him and help him use the bathroom. While I was with him, Gwen, who never wants to admit to being sick, complained to Adam again about the cat.

"Honey," he said gently, "It was not the cat. Cats don't eat people food."

Gwen pondered this, then a lightbulb went off. "Xavier must have gotten up, come into my room, and thrown up on the bed."

Adam stifled a laugh. "Honey, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Xavier."

Gwen furrowed her brow as she thought about this. "Well, we know it wasn't me," she said at last. "It's a mystery."

Grandparent Alert: Gwen isn't sick, not more than a little cold. She went to school today and had no issues. This is just one of the things she does sometimes.

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