Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Parent-Teacher Conference

We had a Parent-Teacher Conference with Gwen's kindergarten teacher today. She says that Gwen is probably one of the smartest kids in kindergarten this year (not THE smartest, but one of the smartest.) She says that Gwen is such a warm and loving child who is always willing to help out, and that she is really a wonderful addition to the classroom. She also talked about a boy in Gwen's class who Gwen has taken under her wing, as it were. It seems the boy is struggling a little, but instead of making fun of him for not being able to write his name, Gwen "dots" it out for him, then cheers him on as he follows her guide. The teacher says this has made a big difference in the boy's self esteem.

There were a couple of interesting things about this anecdote to me; first, Gwen talks about this boy at home all the time, but she has never mentioned helping him write his name (or helping him out at all.) She always describes him just as her friend.

The other thing I noticed is that while we were there, Gwen helped Xavier get toys out, play with them, then helped him put them away ... Wait a minute! She NEVER does this at home! It was then that I realized that a spirit must be taking possession of Gwen as soon as she steps into that kindergarten room and -- OK, I know she isn't really possessed, but I do think maybe she is trying to make a good impression on the teacher. She really does like going to school, though.

Xavier is his usual silly self. Tonight, after watching Ghost Hunters after putting the kids to bed, I started up the stairs myself and about had a heart attack when I saw the apparation of a child at the top of the stairs ... a child wearing pajamas and carrying a book. "I forgot to get a drink of water," he said.

After I got him a drink of water, Xavier said, "I really want to read a book until the alarm goes off."

"No, Xav, it is time to sleep. You are getting over being sick." Besides, the alarm clock is unplugged right now so the Thomas the Tank Engine humidifier could be plugged in.

"But I want to read until the alarm clock goes off!"

"No, Xav, you need to go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired!"

"You can look at a book for a few more minutes, but then you have to go to sleep."

"But my eyes hurt!" Yeah, it's no good telling him that this is because he is trying to read in the dark.

Both kids have coughs right now. Gwen keeps insisting, "I'm NOT sick (hack, hack) I just have REALLY bad allergies!" because she wants to go to school. Xavier, on the other hand, keeps insisting, "I'm too sick to go to school!"

I have an inkling on how his Parent-Teacher Conferences are going to run.

PS The Thomas the Tank Engine humidifier is really cool! I'm not a big Thomas fan, but the steam comes out of his spout! And their is a nightlight inside that reflects through the water in the tank, casting a pale blue light around the room. And the buffer lights are red when the water tank is not set up appropriately and green otherwise! I want one.

Of course, the real danger with this is that Xavier thinks it is a toy. We keep telling him it is not, and that if we catch him playing with it we will have to take it away. Tonight, for the first time in weeks, he asked to sleep with the door closed. Adam found his beloved George monkey downstairs and took it up to him. I'm pretty sure you know what Xavier was doing when Adam opened the door.

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