Friday, September 19, 2008

Girl's Night Out

I recently started a new job. An email circulated inviting the women of my company to dinner and a movie, a "Women's Night Out," as it were. I decided to go, as it would be a good opportunity to get to know my coworkers better.

The kids were not thrilled with this.

As I was heading for the door, Gwen said, "So, this is a Women's Night Out?"

I replied, "Yes, it is."

"Well, you know, I'm a woman," she countered. "Can I come?"

I smiled. "Well, this is for women who work at XYZ Company. You don't work there."

"I work real hard at school!" she replied hopefully.

Xavier was making a card after his snack today. "Mom, how do you spell, 'Get'?"

"G," I began.

He started to write, then suddenly handed me the card and a pencil. "Why don't you write it for me?"

I gave him a look, then said, "Okay, 'get': G-E-T. What's next?"


"'Well': W-E-L-L. What's next?"


Ah, the height of discretion, that one. Next he'll be inviting me to make out checks to myself.

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