Monday, August 25, 2008


Every morning, Gwen and Xavier call me while they wait for the school bus and give me the "Kid Report." We do this in part so the kids can practice dialing the phone, but it also lets me know how the kids are doing. Usually when the kids are done talking to me, Adam takes over until the bus comes or I need to get back to work.

This morning was no different. Gwen called and let me know how she was doing, then Xavier took over and let me know what he thought he would be doing at school.

When Adam took over, he was in the midst of chatting about his plans for the day, when suddenly he said, "Xav! Where are you going? What? What? You have to go to the bathroom?!? But the bus will be here -- I gotta go. [Click]"

I can just picture Xavier thinking, "Well, Mom would never leave if I was in the bathroom ..."

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