Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Miranda is doing really well at school. Today she came home with a sticker that read, "Wow! Good work!" and when I asked her what good work she had done at school, she replied, "All my work is good." We also got a note from the teacher yesterday that read, "Miranda has been WONDERFUL! She is such a sweet girl and a great student ... I'm very lucky!" This description is hard to reconcile with the little girl who throws a fit and tries to explain to me that I never listen to her when she talks about Kidfun (a theory she has come up with to explain why timeout is bad for kids and that they should be able to whatever they want), but we guess we're pretty lucky, too.

They have been talking a lot about safety at school this week, and every day Miranda comes home with an art project which illustrates some form of safety rules (most of them seeming to have to do with matches.) I guess Xavier felt left out, because he came up with his own set of safety rules, which follow.

Xavier's Rules for a Safe Life

1. Don't play with a rubber band when it is on fire.
2. Don't play with a branch with a rubber band on it because you might pull the tree down and hurt yourself.
3. Don't play with matches.
4. Don't play with your food.
5. Don't play with a cup if you drop it and it breaks and you step on the glass.
6. Don't play with a cup if it has soda in it.
7. Don't play with a tree if it is on fire.

I think you'll find that these are sound rules to live by.

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