Monday, April 24, 2006

Torn Between Two Lovers

Today as I was loading the kids into the car after school, Miranda said, "I love John. I'm going to marry him some day."

"But, Miranda," I teased, "I thought you were going to marry Sam."

"Yeah, I know," Miranda said, "I still like Sam. But John is older, and he understands what five-year-olds are going through. Still, Sam is very nice." (For the record, John is six and Sam is five and a half.)

She hesitated, then added, "Things get complicated when you are five years old."

Xavier is also undergoing age confusion issues. Yesterday, when I was mowing the lawn, it suddenly occurred to me that I had left some money in my pocket. Fearful that my husband might do laundry, I stopped the mower and ran up to the back door, which looks into our dining area. Xavier was sitting there alone, finishing his juice from lunch. I coaxed him to come over and unlock the door, and he finally did, a big smile on his face.

Later, while we were watching a video, the doorbell rang. Enabled by his earlier experience, Xavier leapt to his feet and trotted over to the door, calling, "I'll get it!"

Needless to say, I beat him to the door and said, "Hey, Xav, how about I open the door instead?"

"Okay," he said with a smile.

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