Thursday, July 21, 2011

Babies and the Cinema

We were looking at the pictures my friends Vicky and Ryan had posted of their brand-new baby boy.

Gwen: "Awwwwww ..."

Adam: "So little!"

Me: "He looks like Ryan in this picture ..."

Xavier: "My precious ... gives us the ring, my precious!"

Congratulations, Vicky and Ryan! And, no, your son does not look like Golom ...

In another esoteric cinematic reference, we were watching the Star Trek "Naked Time" episode. Sulu was running around with his shirt off and his sword drawn (a REAL sword, no sexual allusions -- this is a family blog). Suddenly he hears someone coming down the hall, so he ducks around the corner and waits ... waits ...

Suddenly, Xavier pipes up in an exaggerated French accent, "Ka-a-ato ... !?!"

Someone has been spending WAY too much time watching old Pink Panther movies.

By the way, congratulations are also in order for my friends Joel and Lorree, who ALSO just had a baby boy (evidently Xavier was wrong about the gender -- see earlier blog on that.)